Sunday, January 6, 2013

BLT Salad with Egg and Avocado

If you like your eggs over-easy or fried, then you will love this salad. The idea is to break the yolk and have that be the dressing for the salad. For a main course salad, double up on the eggs and bacon for a more hearty meal.

Yields: 4 side salad servings

6 C. lettuce - sturdy lettuces like spinach or romain work best
4 tomatoes, quartered
2 avocados, pitted with the flesh removed and sliced
4 slices thick cut bacon
4 eggs
Salt and pepper, to taste

Divide the lettuce evenly among 4 bowls. Top with tomatoes and avocado and sit aside.

Fry bacon in a skillet until crisp. Remove to paper towels to drain. In the same skillet that the bacon was in, fry the eggs in the bacon drippings. You want them cooked no more than medium so that you can break the yolk over the salad.

Remove cooked eggs and set atop the salads. Sprinkle with crumbled bacon, salt, and pepper and serve.

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